This game can be a little confusing so here's more clear instructions,

Play the Basic Rock, Paper, Scissors game by selecting which card to play. As usual, Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, and Paper beats Rock. If the cards are tied, you play the rest of the cards in your hand until either you or your opponent wins. 

After Rock, Paper, Scissors is played, you will enter the DUEL phase, where you enter a shoot-off with the opponent. 

If you....

Winning Rock, Paper, Scissors: You must shoot your opponent's head to gain +2 points and cause the opponent to lose -1 point.

Your AI opponent will enter the duel with a delay and  POINT HIS GUN AT YOUR PLAYED CARD.  Matthew McConaughey will yell "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT" to give you a hint. 

Losing Rock, Paper, Scissors: You must shoot the card that your opponent had chosen and played. Shooting their card when you lose RPS prevents your point loss and their point gain. 

Your AI opponent will enter the duel  without a delay and POINT HIS GUN AT YOU.  Caesar from Planet of the Apes will yell "NOOOO" to give you a hint. 


Reminder: You play against an AI opponent who will play the same way as you. He will be trying to aim for your card if you win RPS, albeit at a delay.  He will also try to directly shoot you without any delays if you lose the RPS game. 

Be sure to listen for the noises, as there are primarily audio cues with some visual cues in the direction of your opponents gun. TRY TO BE FAST!

First to 12 wins!

P.S. everything is a movie reference. 

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